Contact us if you wish to know more about our Club, Rotary International, or wish to apply for membership. Please include your name and contact details, and one of our members will be in touch with you as soon as practicable.

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Frequently Asked Questions

What is Rotary?
Rotary International is a worldwide service organisation, with more than 1.2 million members in 33,000 clubs worldwide. Rotarians and Rotary clubs reflect their community, coming together in the belief that ‘They profit most who serve best’.
Rotary is a diverse, non-partisan, non-sectarian and secular organisation. Membership is open to professional men and women over the age of 30, below that age membership of a Rotaract Club is encouraged.
Clubs usually meet weekly for breakfast, lunch or dinner, while this is organised as a social event, it provides the framework for clubs to organise their service activity and community engagement strategies. Additionally, these meetings are the foundation on which members build lasting friendships and worldwide contacts.
Membership is open to those in their communities who align themselves with Rotary’s core principle ‘Service above self’. Rotary club’s aim for its members to reflect its community with regard to professional and business classifications, gender, age, religion, and ethnicity.

Use the links to learn more about Rotary International and Rotary International in Great Britain and Ireland and if you feel Rotary is for you, please contact us to arrange a visit to the Westminster International Rotary Club.

When does the Club meet?
We meet every Wednesdays at 6.30 for 7 pm at a Central London location in the Mayfair or Trafalgar Square area. Normally the 2nd and 4th Wednesday of each month are formal meetings usually with a presentation or other speaker as the focus of the evening. We also have our informal and social meetings on the first, third and fifth Wednesdays. We are currently looking for a new permanent venue so please contact the Club for details if you would like to visit us.
What are the meetings like?
We start the formal meetings by reviewing Rotary business, enjoy our dinner, followed by a guest speaker covering many different subjects, the object being to widen the experience and knowledge of our members and guests. The formal meetings finish around 9 pm.

In addition to the fortnightly meetings the club organises cultural and social events for the enjoyment of the members and their partners, who are always welcome at the weekly meetings as well. We start the meeting by reviewing Rotary business, enjoy our dinner, followed by a guest speaker covering many different subjects, the object being to widen the experience and knowledge of our members and guests. The meetings finish around 9 pm.

Please note there is no formal set dress code, but smart casual is preferred.

How much does the meal cost?
The cost of the dinner is usually between £20-25.  As we have to inform venues of the number of diners, we need to have confirmation of attendance not later than Monday evening of the week concerned, preferably in reply to our Evite sign up system.
What is the membership process?
We recognize that people come to Rotary for many different reasons and that choosing the right club is essential to get the most out of Rotary and it is important for each club to have as wide a cross section of professions as possible in its membership. In consequence membership is by invitation only for women and men of all professions.

Due to Rotary’s unique combination of friendship amongst the club members and the service activities they undertake it is essential that both the candidate and the existing members are comfortable with each other.Each prospective member is asked to attend Club meetings and to get involved in one of the clubs community service projects and/or one of the clubs internal administration tasks before being invited to join. This gives the prospective member a chance to work with other members, get a feel for the Club and get acquainted with the activities undertaken by the members and the commitment expected.

The Club’s Membership Secretary will support and assist the applicant throughout the process, outlining the responsibilities and privileges that come with being a Rotarian. All applications are reviewed by the Membership Committee, who in turn makes their recommendation to the Club Council, followed by a formal notification (the Seven Day Notice) circulated to all Club members. If no objection is received, the applicant is considered to be elected and is notified by the sponsoring Rotarian. After induction and payment of the fees (an annual subscription of £160), the individual becomes a member of the Club and a Rotarian.

In order to enable the club to fulfil its dual function of friendship and community service Rotarians are expected to attend at least 50 % of all weekly meetings and participate actively in the clubs programmes and the administrative work necessary. An additional benefit of becoming a member is the ability to attend Rotary meetings anywhere in the world, providing a group of friends wherever you are on this globe!